BetaPro S&P/TSX 60 -2x Daily Bear ETF
The fund seeks investment results that correspond to 2x inverse of the daily performance of its underlying index, which represents 60 of the largest companies (in market capitalization) listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Constituents are selected at the discretion of the index committee and weighted by float-adjusted market capitalization. As a levered fund, it is not a buy-and-hold investment and should not be expected to provide index leverage returns greater than a one-day period.
21.99 CAD
-0.36 (-1.64%)
EBIT (Operating profit)(Operating income)(Operating earning) = GROSS MARGIN (REVENUE - COGS) - OPERATING EXPENSES (R&D, RENT) EBIT = (1*) (2*) -> operating process (leverage -> interest -> EBT -> tax -> net Income) EBITDA = GROSS MARGIN (REVENUE - COGS) - OPERATING EXPENSES (R&D, RENT) + Depreciation + amortization EBITA = (1*) (2*) (3*) (4*) company's CURRENT operating profitability (i.e., how much profit it makes with its present assets and its operations on the products it produces and sells, as well as providing a proxy for cash flow) -> performance of a company (1*) discounting the effects of interest payments from different forms of financing (by ignoring interest payments), (2*) political jurisdictions (by ignoring tax), collections of assets (by ignoring depreciation of assets), and different takeover histories (by ignoring amortization often stemming from goodwill) (3*) collections of assets (by ignoring depreciation of assets) (4*) different takeover histories (by ignoring amortization often stemming from goodwill)