Invesco Low Volatility Portfolio ETF
The fund is a fund-of-funds that provides exposure to low-volatility securities or those that have low standard deviation of returns compared to their respective broader markets. Investing primarily in Invescos low-volatility ETFs, the fund has a static fixed income allocation of 30% to Invesco 1-5 Year Laddered Investment Grade Corporate Bond Index ETF (PSB). The portfolio securities are selected using a quantitative portfolio construction model that starts with an allocation of 30% to Canadian fixed income and 70% to global low-volatility equity. Specifically, 20% Canadian equities and 50% global equities. The model limits the funds exposure to emerging market and small/mid-cap US equities to 7% each. On a monthly basis, the fund may rebalance its equity portion and may deviate from its target allocations.
25.32 CAD
-0.03 (-0.118%)