
Contact Us - Financial Modeling Prep API

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Seek swift solutions in our FAQs; for unaddressed queries, reach out through our contact form. We're here to assist!

How many years of data do you cover?

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We cover more than 30+ years for most of our endpoints if the information is available on company filings.

How many stocks do you provide financial data for?

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We have over 80,000 unique symbols that we provide financial data for across 60 stock exchanges globally

What is the quality of FMP data?

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Quality data is key to making accurate, informed decisions. It is our main focus to deliver the most accurate financial data to our users.

Is your data split adjusted?

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Yes, we have historical data adjusted for splits and dividends.

How can I see new endpoints added to the API?

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We keep track of all changes including new properties and new endpoints added to our API on our changelog.

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Financial Modeling Prep API provides real time stock price, company financial statements, major index prices, stock historical data, forex real time rate and cryptocurrencies. Financial Modeling Prep stock price API is in real time, the company reports can be found in quarter or annual format, and goes back 30 years in history.
2017-2024 © Financial Modeling Prep