
Bulk Scores API

All stock financial scores

About Bulk Scores API

All stock financial scores

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Bulk Scores API FAQs

How can I retrieve historical bulk key-metrics for a period spanning multiple years?

At the moment, it is not possible to retrieve historical bulk key-metrics for a period spanning multiple years in one batch. You can specify the year and period for annual or quarterly data using the Bulk Key Metrics API.

Do you have bulk endpoints where I can easily access multiple companies' financial statements?

Yes you can access our Bach and Bulk endpoints where you will access companies financial statements in bulk. For the quote endpoint you can also call the API with multiple tickers separated via a comma.

Is the financial scores data provided by the /stable/financial-scores endpoint based on 10-K data or 10-Q data?

The financial scores data provided by the /stable/financial-scores endpoint is based on 6/8-K data until the 10-Q/K data gets released, at which point it overrides the previous data.

How are sentiment scores computed for the Stock News Sentiments RSS Feed API?

The sentiment scores for the Stock News Sentiments RSS Feed API are computed based on the number of positive and negative/neutral comments received in a 24-hour period. For example, if there are 500 positive comments and 500 negative/neutral comments, the sentiment score would be calculated as (500 * 1) + (500 * 0) = 500. The average mentions per day value would then be 500 / 1000 = 0.5. Additionally, the Average Hype Index (AHI) and Relative Hype Index (RHI) are calculated to provide further insights into sentiment.

What would you suggest the sleep time between 2 api calls to these bulk endpoints?

You can hit the bulk endpoints Once / 10 seconds and the Profile Bulk / ETF Bulk - Once / 60 seconds.

What is the source of the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings and scores data?

We source our ESG data from company filings where we apply NLP to extract those keywords: -Social = 'Accident, (Adult AND entertainment), Alcohol, Anti-personnel, Behavior, Charity, (Child AND Labor), Community, Controversial, Controversy, Discrimination, Gambling, Health, Human capital, Human rights, Inclusion, Injury, Labor, Munitions, Opposition, Pay, Philanthropic, Quality, Responsible.' -Environment = 'Biodiversity, Carbon, Cleantech, Clean, Climate, Coal, Conservation, Ecosystem, Emission, Energy, Fuel, Green, Land, Natural, Pollution, (Raw AND materials), Renewable, Resources, Sustainability, Sustainable, Toxic, Waste, Water.' -Governance = 'Advocacy, Bribery, Compensation, Competitive, Corruption, (Data AND breach), Divestment, Fraud, (Global AND Compact), GRI, (Global AND Reporting AND Initiative), Independent, Justice, Stability, Stewardship, Transparency.' Those are the key concepts that we extract from the statements to create the score. We then, with NLP, create the sentiment score to finally create a ranking score. We have developed our methodology based on available frameworks. We also compare each company to the industry benchmark to be able to rank ESG companies compared to their peers. For the bounds of the rating, a score of 0 is the worst and 100 is the best, so a 50 would be average. You can read more here

Do you offer a bulk API endpoint for the institutional-ownership/symbol-positions-summary?

At the moment, we do not have a bulk API for the institutional-ownership/symbol-positions-summary endpoint.

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Financial Modeling Prep API provides real time stock price, company financial statements, major index prices, stock historical data, forex real time rate and cryptocurrencies. Financial Modeling Prep stock price API is in real time, the company reports can be found in quarter or annual format, and goes back 30 years in history.
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