The fund provides exposure to USD-denominated investment-grade corporate bonds, with a minimum of three years to maturity. The index, which is weighted by market value and capped at 3% per issuer, is designed to represent what are perceived to be the most liquid investment-grade corporate bonds available. The fund selects fixed coupon bonds, step-up bonds with coupons schedules known at issuance, sinking funds and amortizing bonds, medium-term notes, Rule 144A offerings with a registration right, callable, and puttable bonds. Excluded are convertible and preferred shares or bonds with other equity features attached. The fund may invest in one or more iShares ETFs, or may utilize a representative sampling approach in which securities are chosen to provide the same investment characteristics as the index. The index is rebalanced monthly.
20.87 CAD
0.06 (0.287%)
EBIT (Operating profit)(Operating income)(Operating earning) = GROSS MARGIN (REVENUE - COGS) - OPERATING EXPENSES (R&D, RENT) EBIT = (1*) (2*) -> operating process (leverage -> interest -> EBT -> tax -> net Income) EBITDA = GROSS MARGIN (REVENUE - COGS) - OPERATING EXPENSES (R&D, RENT) + Depreciation + amortization EBITA = (1*) (2*) (3*) (4*) company's CURRENT operating profitability (i.e., how much profit it makes with its present assets and its operations on the products it produces and sells, as well as providing a proxy for cash flow) -> performance of a company (1*) discounting the effects of interest payments from different forms of financing (by ignoring interest payments), (2*) political jurisdictions (by ignoring tax), collections of assets (by ignoring depreciation of assets), and different takeover histories (by ignoring amortization often stemming from goodwill) (3*) collections of assets (by ignoring depreciation of assets) (4*) different takeover histories (by ignoring amortization often stemming from goodwill)